Friday, May 17, 2013

International Food Festival

Our kids' school is made up of lots of international kids, many of them college families like us. Each year, the elementary school ESL program hosts an international food festival, where families bring food from their country, and for a small donation, you can eat dinner before the annual curriculum fair. We look forward to it all year!

 This year we had food from Mexico, Hungary, Ethiopia, Columbia, Japan, and China. There was more food down the long row of tables, but our plates got too full before the end.
Ethan's favorite was the rice ball with a piece of smoked salmon on top. Josh loved the Ethiopian "pancake" with sauce on the side. Chris loved the Chinese cheese ball. Ashley loved the fruit and pudding cake (I can't remember what country it was from, but it was delicious). And I loved the sweet rice pudding from Columbia.
A wall in the school cafeteria. I love that my kids have friends from all over the world, all different races and religions and traditions. It's been such a unique experience, we'll really miss it when we have to move away in a year!

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