Wednesday, September 11, 2013

When life gives you Lemony...

 ...then read it!
I love when I find my kids like this, sitting quietly together, getting along, doing something besides playing video games. They are listening to a CD of the picture book The Composer is Dead by Lemony Snicket. It's odd and quirky, but the kids loved it.

We just might be Snicket's biggest fans. We especially enjoy listening to Lemony Snicket books on long road trips. I'm pretty sure he was thinking of our family when he wrote all of his books, because he totally gets our sense of humor. If you're like us, you can start with book 13, The End, and work your way in no particular order through all of the Series of Unfortunate Events. Then move on to his other books.

Off the Lemony Snicket topic, last night at dinner we were discussing something about how Ethan had given me five dollars for something. Then I owed him five dollars for something, so he went and took his money back, out of our spare change bag. In his serious thinking voice, in between bites of a somewhat bland rice and vegetable soup, he said, "That's my money-back guarantee."

I guess I should get one of those. Sounds useful.

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