Monday, April 8, 2013

ice cream sandwich cake and healthier chocolate "fudge" topping

Josh wanted an ice cream sandwich cake for his birthday, so here's the recipe if you're interested. It's as tasty as an expensive ice cream cake, and isn't as complicated as regular homemade ice cream cakes. There is nothing healthy about this cake, but I couldn't bring myself to buy the gross corn syrup "fudge" topping, so I made my own.

*Ice cream sandwiches, depending on the size of cake. For a small cake, use 8 for the bottom layer, and 8 for the top. we used more like 12 for the bottom and 12 for the top, and it was a bit too much.
*Small tub frozen whipped topping
*Chocolate fudge sauce to glue middle layer together (**healthier alternative below)
*Toppings for cake (nuts, crushed cookies, etc.)

On a platter or cookie sheet, arrange 8 ice cream sandwiches to look like the bottom layer of a square or rectangular cake. Spread a thin layer of whipped topping over the top, then drizzle the fudge topping over that. Arrange the second layer of 8 ice cream sandwiches. "Frost" entire cake with the remainder of the whipped topping, then sprinkle toppings on cake and then freeze again for at least an hour. Cut and enjoy!

**Healthier Chocolate Fudge Sauce for ice cream and other desserts:
In a small bowl, stir together 1/2 cup pure maple syrup {The benefits of maple syrup touted here} and 1/4 cup unsweetened (hopefully dark!) cocoa powder. That's it. Mix it and enjoy!

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